首页> 中文期刊> 《泉州师范学院学报》 >地域文化之报纸传播的观察与分析--以泉州地区为样本




当下,地域文化传播与报纸自身发展有着密切联系。经观察,其现实情况为:传播主体方面,传播介入意识浅、传播理念保守、传播手段单调;传播客体方面,传播内容稀薄、传播比例小、传播形式单一;接受对象方面,受众关注度高、兴趣度高、自信心不足。究其原因,主要有三个:地域文化自身所具有的历史印记使其在现代性的社会生活面前处于一种劣势;媒体在生存压力下急功近利的心理动因;媒体自身良莠不齐的报道队伍,肤浅浮躁的报道心理。%Nowadays regional culture communication is closely linked to the development of paper media.Three aspects of true facts come from observations.First,the subj ects of communication lack proper emphasis,hold outdated ideas and use monotonous communication channels;Second,the obj ects of communication offer inadequate information in rigid form,which also accounts for a very small proportion;Third,though the audience pay little attention to paper media,they are greatly interested in regional culture,which means there lies demand to some extent.The reasons can be analyzed as follows:the historical hallmark the regional culture carries puts it at a disadvantage in the modern society;the media are seeking quick success and instant benefits under market pressures;the good and the bad reporters are intermingled and some are superficial and restless when they work.



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