首页> 中文期刊> 《石油化工高等学校学报》 >柱状旋流电脱水器分离性能实验研究




Three-phase separators and electric dehydrators have been used in oil production, but this type of equipment is bulky and inefficient, and usually requires that the moisture content of crude oil emulsions entering the electric dehydrator devices can''t exceed 30%.In order to solve this problem, this paper has designed and produced cylindrical cyclone electric dehydrator.This dehydrator has high processing efficiency and can handle the emulsion which moisture content is higher than 30%.This paper tests the coalescence and separation characteristics of the dehydrator, and the results show that when the electric dehydrator treats the emulsion which moisture content is 20% and 40%, the highest droplets increase ratio can reach 5.6 and 4.5 times respectively;when the emulsion electric field intensity is 356.44 kV/m, the separation efficiency can reach 75%.Appropriate increase of the residence time of emulsion in the dehydrator, the average particle size of droplets will increase, and the separation efficiency will be improved greatly.%三相分离器与电脱水器常见于原油处理环节,这类设备体积庞大、处理效率低.通常电脱水器还要求入口乳状液含水率不能超过30%.为了解决这些问题,设计并制作了一种柱状旋流电脱水器,该电脱水器结构紧凑,分离效果好,能处理含水率高于30%的乳状液.针对该电脱水器的聚结特性与分离特性进行了实验研究.结果表明,该电脱水器在处理含水率20%、40%的乳状液时,液滴增大倍数最高,分别可达5.6、4.5倍;场强为356.44 kV/m时,分离效率可以达到75%;适当增大乳状液在聚结段的停留时间,液滴平均粒径增大,分离效率大幅提高.



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