首页> 外文期刊>兵工学报(英文版) >The non-isothermal gravimetric method for study the thermal decomposition kinetic of HNBB and HNS explosives

The non-isothermal gravimetric method for study the thermal decomposition kinetic of HNBB and HNS explosives


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The hexanitrostilben(HNS) is a thermally stable explosive that can be prepared from hexanitrobibenzyl(HNBB).Therefore,the investigation of thermal stability of HNBB can be important in the yield of preparation of HNS.The decomposition kinetic of HNBB and HNS arestudied by non-isothermal gravimetric method.The TG/DTG curves in non-isothermal method are obtained in range of 25℃-400℃at heating rates of 3℃/min,5℃/min,8℃/min,10℃/min and 12℃/min.The data of weighttemperature are used for calculation of activation energy(E_a) of thermal decomposition reactions by methods of Ozawa,Kissinger,Ozawa-Flynn-Wall(OFW) and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose(KAS) as modelfree methods and Strink's equation as model-fitting method.The compensation effect is used for prediction of mechanism and determination of pre-exponential factor(InA) of the decomposition reaction.A reduction 60 kj/mol for the average of activation energy of thermal decomposition reaction of HNBB is obtained versus HNS.This result shows the lower thermal stability of HNBB in comparison to HNS,The Avrami equation(A_(3/2)) with function f(α)=3/2(1-α)[-In(1-α)]^(1/3) indicates the predicted mechanism for thermal decomposition reaction both explosives.




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