首页> 外文期刊>中国海洋大学学报(英文版) >A High Precision Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Flood Disaster Loss Based on Improved Genetic Programming

A High Precision Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Flood Disaster Loss Based on Improved Genetic Programming


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Precise comprehensive evaluation of flood disaster loss is significant for the prevention and mitigation of flood disasters. Here, one of the difficulties involved is how to establish a model capable of describing the complex relation between the input and output data of the system of flood disaster loss. Genetic programming (GP) solves problems by using ideas from genetic algorithm and generates computer programs automatically. In this study a new method named the evaluation of the grade of flood disaster loss (EGFD) on the basis of improved genetic programming (IGP) is presented (IGPEGFD). The flood disaster area and the direct economic loss are taken as the evaluation indexes of flood disaster loss. Obviously that the larger the evaluation index value, the larger the corresponding value of the grade of flood disaster loss is. Consequently the IGP code is designed to make the value of the grade of flood disaster be an increasing function of the index value. The result of the application of the IGP-EGFD model to Henan Province shows that a good function expression can be obtained within a bigger searched function space; and the model is of high precision and considerable practical significance.Thus, IGP-EGFD can be widely used in automatic modeling and other evaluation systems.
机译:准确的洪水灾害损失综合评估对预防和减轻洪水灾害具有重要意义。在此,所涉及的困难之一是如何建立能够描述洪水灾害损失系统输入和输出数据之间复杂关系的模型。遗传编程(GP)通过使用遗传算法中的思想解决问题并自动生成计算机程序。在这项研究中,提出了一种新的方法,称为基于改进的遗传规划(IGPFD)的洪灾损失等级评估(EGFD)。以洪灾灾区和直接经济损失作为洪灾损失的评价指标。显然,评价指标值越大,洪灾损失等级的对应值越大。因此,IGP代码旨在使洪水灾害等级的值成为指标值的增加函数。 IGP-EGFD模型在河南省的应用结果表明,在较大的搜索函数空间内可以获得良好的函数表达式。因此,IGP-EGFD可以广泛应用于自动建模和其他评估系统中。




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