首页> 中文期刊> 《华北科技学院学报》 >炮掘巷道内 CO 浓度超限原因及分布规律研究

炮掘巷道内 CO 浓度超限原因及分布规律研究



In roadway excavation process , the small aperture drilling blasting method as a cost -effective con-struction methods , has been very widely used .But in the roadway excavation blasting , explosives produced gas contains large amounts of toxic and harmful ingredients .Due to the relatively small roadway work space , poor ventilation conditions likely to cause excessive concentration of toxic gases , to produce health and safety of con-struction workers pose a serious threat .This paper , selects real blasting tunnel for the study , experimental re-search methods for natural ventilation , the roadway changes of CO concentration was analyzed quantitatively study results presented at different locations within the roadway CO concentrations up to standard time provide a reliable basis for the construction workers time to face re -entering the job .%在井巷的掘进与开挖过程中,小孔径钻眼爆破方法作为一种经济高效的施工手段,已经得到了非常广泛的应用。但是在井巷掘进爆破时,炸药爆炸生成的气体含有大量的有毒有害成份。由于井巷作业空间相对狭小,通风条件较差,容易造成有毒有害气体浓度超标,对施工人员的身体健康和安全生产构成严重威胁。本文选取真实炮掘巷道为研究对象,采用试验的研究方法对自然通风情况下,巷道内CO的浓度变化规律进行分析,研究结果定量的给出了巷道内不同位置处CO达到标准浓度的时间,为施工人员再次进入到工作面作业提供可靠的时间依据。



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