首页> 中文期刊> 《华北科技学院学报》 >基于单片机的多功能计数器的设计与实现




设计并实现了一台能够测量正弦信号的频率、周期和相位差的多功能计数器。计数器由前级放大与整形部分、计数器部分、系统控制和信息处理部分组成。前级起放大和整形作用,把幅度不同的输入信号处理成幅度范围合理、易于分析的矩形波,再送到计数器计算,得到的数值经单片机处理器运算再由显示屏输出。前级使用宽频带、高增益运放,减少失真。后级运用等精度测量法,消除传统测量法带来的量化误差。本计数器具有输入信号频率范围广、幅值范围大、计数准确和人机界面友好等特点。%Design and implementation of a sinusoidal signal capable of measuring frequency, period and phase of the multi - purpose counter. Counter by preamp composition and plastic parts, counter part, system control and data processing section. Since pre - amplification and shaping effect, put a reasonable margin of different input signal into amplitude range, easy to square wave analysis, and then to the counter calculated values ob-tained by the single - chip processor computing then output by the display. Use pre - wideband, high - gain amplifier, reducing distortion. After the class, such as the use of precision measuring method, the quantiza-tion error caused by the elimination of the traditional measurement. The counter has a wide range of input sig-nal frequency, large amplitude range, accurate counting and friendly interface features.



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