首页> 中文期刊>南通大学学报(社会科学版) >巍峨江左矗新标--论建设范曾艺术馆的价值与意义




建立范曾艺术馆有多方面的原因,一是范曾所取得的卓越艺术成就和个人巨大的社会影响,二是大学内涵发展寻求文化资源的需要,三是范曾本人桑梓情深,四是文博之乡浓厚的文化氛围的影响。前后历经10年,范曾艺术馆新馆终于建成。新馆设施齐全,布局合理,展品丰富。范曾艺术馆新馆的建成具有独特的价值与意义,它是艺术熏陶的场域,学术研究的基地,同时也将成为对外文化交流的窗口。%There are many reasons for the foundation of Fan Zeng Art Museum. Firstly, Fan Zeng has achieved notable accomplishments in art and has great influence on society. Secondly, it is necessary for the pursuit of cultural resources if Nantong University needs to realize intensive development. Thirdly, Fan Zeng has been attaching much importance to his relationship with hometown. Thirdly, the foundation of such a museum has been deeply rooted in a city which lays emphasis to cultural development. After ten years of hard work and devotion, the new venue of Fan Zeng Art Museum uncovers its veil with complete facilities, scientific arrangement and bountiful exhibits. The foundation of Fan Zeng Art Museum is of great value and unique significance, which will make it a field for artistic cultivation, a base for academic research, and a platform for international exchange and cooperation.



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