首页> 中文期刊>南京信息工程大学学报 >基于M16C单片机的温度测量计




研制了一种模块化设计的瑞萨系列单片机实验系统.系统采用集成度高的温度传感器,运用模块化设计完成了基于16位单片机(M3062 LFGPGP)的数字式温度计设计,同时在处理温度数据时运用一种新算法,温度精度通过主控模块软件和温度硬件校正处理得到提高.根据传统设计原理,结合瑞萨单片机M3062LFGPGP特点,系统将A/D转换模块和万年历模块集中于主控模块,实现了用软件编程替代A/D模块、万年历硬件模块的新型设计.设计需要模块仅为主控模块、温度模块和显示模块,能够显示当前环境温度以及年、月、日、星期、时、分、秒.此设计可以大大降低系统功耗,减少硬件设计错误,提高系统的稳定性,计时准确,显示清晰,具有较高的应用价值.%A modular Renesas singlechip experimental system is developed to design digital thermometer. The system uses highly integrated temperature sensor,adopts modular design scheme and completes the thermometer design which is based on 16-bit singlechip microcontroller (M3062LFGPGP). A new algorithm is introduced to process temperature data. Temperature measuring precision could be improved by using main control software and appropriate hardware correction technique. According to traditional design principles and the characteristics of Renesas microcontrollers M3062LFGPGP,the system integrates A/D converter module and calendar module into the main control module, and uses software program instead of the above-mentioned two hardware modules and realize their functions simultaneously. The system consists of control module, temperature module and display module. The system can display the current temperature with time like year,month,day,week,hour,minute,second,etc. This design can significantly reduce system's power consumption and decrease hardware design errors, thus improve system stability. This digital thermometer can accurately measure and clearly display the current temperature and time, which is highly valuable in application.



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