首页> 外文期刊>山地科学学报(英文版) >Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Community-based Natural Resource Management in Northeast India

Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Community-based Natural Resource Management in Northeast India


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Community-based natural resource management in northeast India has a long history.Indigenous knowledge and adaptation are the collective information, with improvement from generation to generation. The expectation is that under community control, local expertise on biodiversity will play a significant role in natural resource management through traditional practices.This paper discusses the characteristics and application of the traditional ecological knowledge of aboriginal peoples in northeast India and its role in natural resource management. Examples are provided in two different eco-cultural landscapes, i.e.,Demazong (the Buddhist eco-cultural landscape in Sikkim Himalaya) and the Apatani eco-cultural landscape in Arunachal Pradesh, which illustrate the utility value of traditional ecological knowledge in sustainable natural resource management. Both eco-cultural landscapes are indeed very complex and highly evolved systems with high levels of economic and ecological efficiencies. The paper concludes that traditional ecological knowledge systems and institutions could serve as entry points into the sustainable utilization and management of natural resources. This could be achieved through the exploration of the cultural practices of the local people and integrating useful aspects into the modern natural resource management expertise. With rapidly depleting biodiversity in the developing tropic regions,there is a greater utilization today than ever before of the value of respecting the "Sacred" as a tool towards better conservation of natural resources.
机译:印度东北部以社区为基础的自然资源管理历史悠久,土著知识和适应是集体信息,世代相传。期望在社区的控制下,当地生物多样性方面的专门知识将通过传统做法在自然资源管理中发挥重要作用。本文讨论了印度东北部土著人民传统生态知识的特征,应用及其在自然资源管理中的作用。在两个不同的生态文化景观中提供了示例,即Demazong(锡金喜马拉雅山的佛教生态文化景观)和阿鲁纳恰尔邦的阿帕塔尼生态文化景观,说明了传统生态知识在可持续自然资源管理中的效用价值。 。两种生态文化景观确实都是非常复杂且高度发展的系统,具有很高的经济和生态效率。本文的结论是,传统的生态知识体系和机构可以作为自然资源可持续利用和管理的切入点。这可以通过探索当地人的文化习惯并将有用的方面纳入现代自然资源管理专业知识中来实现。随着发展中的热带地区生物多样性的迅速消耗,如今,尊重“神圣”作为更好地保护自然资源的工具的价值比以往任何时候都得到了更大的利用。




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