首页> 中文期刊> 《山地农业生物学报》 >佛顶山自然保护区地质地貌及水文条件研究




佛顶山自然保护区属扬子准地台———黔北台隆———遵义断拱———凤冈北北东向构造变形区,为背斜核心受断裂抬升形成的地垒式山体,主要出露上元古界下江群浅变质岩。区内分布有构造地貌、河谷地貌及重力侵蚀地貌。浅变质岩物理风化强烈,形成厚层残、坡积物。含水层主要为松散岩土孔隙类型及构造———风化网状裂隙类型,地下水资源丰富。独特的水文地质条件及森林生态系统为区内营造了良好的水文调蓄环境,具有强大的水源涵养及水土保持功能。保护区地质、地貌及森林生态系统等自然景观类型多样,具有较高的生态旅游、科普教育及科学研究价值。%Fuding Mountain Nature Reserve belongs to Fenggang NNE direction construction deformation area of Zunyi Fault-Uprise, which is located in Qianbei platform uprise of Yangtze paraplatform. It is an anti-cline kernel horst mountain caused by fault uplifting. In this area, there are shallow metamorphic rocks, which belong to Xiajiang groups of Upper Agnotozoic. There exist construction geomorphy, river valley geo-morphy and gravitational erosion geomorphy in this area. Shallow metamorphic rock characterizes in strongly physical weathering, and forms thick remnant and slop deposition. There are two kinds of water-rich layers, which are loose in rock and soil and in construction-weathering crack, and it is therefare rich in under-ground water resource. The special hydro - geologic condition and forest ecologic system make it a good hydrologic modification environment with strong function of water restrain and water-soil protection. In the nature reserve, there are various nature landscapes on geologic, geomorphic and forest ecologic system, which are highly important for eco-tourism, science popularization and further research.



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