首页> 外文期刊>中国图书馆学报年刊(英文版) >The construction of central and branch libraries in China since the 21st century

The construction of central and branch libraries in China since the 21st century


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机译:The process of building central and branch libraries since the year 2000 accelerates the equalization of public library services. This process can be divided into three stages. In the first stage(2000-2006), attempts are made to solve problems related to government-led administration, Borrow Anywhere, Return Anywhere(BARA) service, technical support, and centralized management. In the second stage(2007-2010), some central and branch libraries expanded their scale and achieved remarkable progress through professional reform. Theoretical research in this period shed light on the objective laws in building the central and branch libraries. The third stage(2011-present) has witnessed libraries’ active participation in building ''National Demonstration Zones for Public Cultural Services'', which is initiated by the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance. Researchers have been focusing on factors related to the sustainable development of central-branch libraries system. Such research directly promotes the promulgation of Guidance on Promoting the County Central-branch Cultural Center System and Central-branch Library System Development. Centering its discussions on the Guidance, this paper puts forward several issues that require special attention in building central and branch libraries in the new development stage. First, correctly understanding and handling the relationship between local conditions and professional requirements. Building central-branch libraries requires appropriate solutions that avoid conflicts with institutional barriers, so as to meet to the maximum the professional requirements in concept and design. Second, issues in building central-branch libraries at the county level are addressed in this paper. Third, providing universal and equitable services and fulfilling missions of the public library requires the construction of branch libraries in physical form. New types of services can only serve as integral parts and supplement of central-branch libraries. Fourth, the service innovation of ''library plus'' should reflect the service concepts of public libraries, and guard against the establishment of service barriers or threshold.




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