首页> 中文期刊> 《中国图书馆学报年刊(英文版)》 >Public libraries in provincial 12th Five-year Plans of China

Public libraries in provincial 12th Five-year Plans of China



Based on the frequency and what it infers to of the "library" in the text,this paper analyzes full texts of30 provincial 12 th Five-year Plans(except for Hong Kong,Macao,Taiwan and Shanxi Province).The research concludes that:government paid little attention to libraries,but differences among provinces exist;government regarded the library as a symbol of public culture provider,less important than museums and culture centers;free services and construction of public libraries are focuses in future planning;public needs of information cannot be satisfied by the library alone,so other means of public information services are required.In general,government do not have an in-depth understanding of the role of libraries,while the government of Jiangsu Province has a better understanding of the library than that of other provinces.




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