首页> 中文期刊> 《兰州交通大学学报》 >兰白科技创新改革试验区中小企业融资效率初探




With the putting forward of the strategy of the New Silk Road Economic Belt and the further implementation of the national scientific innovation strategy.The construction of the Lanzhou-Baiyin Scientific Innovation and Reform Plot Area (here after referred as Lanzhou-Baiyin Plot Area) will definitely become a new engine to promote the economic growth of Gansu province.But some problems such as difficulties in financing and low financial efficiency also emerged and hindered the development of the construction of the new plot area.In order to develop the corresponding countermeasures to promote the financial efficiency of middle and small-sized enterprises in Lanzhou-Baiyin Plot Area, the paper explored the crux of above problems and analyzed the reason of low financial efficiency.%随着新"丝绸之路经济带"倡议的提出与国家科技创新战略的进一步推进, "兰白科技创新改革试验区" (以下简称兰白试验区) 建设必将成为带动甘肃省经济增长的新"引擎".但在"兰白试验区"建设过程中, 中小企业融资难、融资效率低等问题成为其发展的掣肘因素.本文试图从兰白试验区中小企业融资效率问题入手, 找出其中小企业融资难、效率低等问题的"症结"所在, 进而对提升兰白试验区中小企业融资效率提出相应对策.



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