首页> 中文期刊> 《江苏林业科技》 >非洲破布木子代测试




非洲破布木是埃塞俄比亚的本土商业木材树种,在自然种群中,存在着巨大的品种变异.由于当地苗圃优良种质资源匮乏,筛选优良母树建立种子园非常必要.该研究从其不同的自然种群中,采集了大量的供试种子样品,对其种子外部特征和在苗圃中发芽率和种苗生长表现,进行了观察;方差分析显示,在所有的研究属性中,不同种源显示出较大的属性差异性,同时初步筛选出适合种子园所需的优树.%Cordia africana Lam. is an indigenous and most commercially used timber species of Ethiopia. In natural population,there exists a very considerable seed source variation. As no sufficient proven seed sources were supplied,it is essential to acquire elite trees to raise seed orchard. In order to select elite mother trees through the performance of their half-sib progenies,bulk seed samples were collected from different natural populations and examined for variability in seed morphological character,seed germination and seedling growth at nursery stage. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among provenances in all studied attributes. In the meantime the elite trees for establishing seed orchard were screened out in pilot study.



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