首页> 中文期刊> 《江南社会学院学报》 >日本国家安全保障会议探析




National security decision-making mechanism is the basic part of the regime,the organizational form of the state’s power structure,and the main reliance of citizen’s security needs.Since the establishment of the U.S National Security Council in 1947,all the world’s major countries have explored the construction of the NSC.In order to get rid of the post-war system and become a normal country,Abe Cabinet has made great political, military and economic efforts,including the innovation of Japan’s NSC,which is a landmark in its history.It relies on the National Security Bureau,accompanied by “NSC Setting Act”and “Certain Secret Protection Act”, leveraging America “Asia Pacific Rebalancing”strategy,providing both tactical and strategic supports for Japan’s security system.There is no doubt that this is a worrying omen of Japan’s expansion and will add many uncertainties to the Sino-Japanese relation as well as the situation of East Asia.%国家安全决策机制是整个国家政权体系的基本构成,是国家权力安排的重要组织表现,也是公民安全诉求的主要凭借。以1947年美国成立国家安全委员会为起点,世界各主要国家无不结合本国实际,积极探索“国安委”模式的建构。安倍内阁为突破战后体制束缚,谋求使日本成为正常国家,在经济、政治、军事上全面出击,其标志性事件就是日本国家安全保障会议的革新。它以国家安全保障局为机构依托,辅之《国家安全保障会议设置法》与《特定秘密保护法》,借力美国“亚太再平衡”战略,为日本安保体制带来战术和战略层面的双重改善,是安倍集权外向扩张的先兆,将给中日关系、东亚局势产生诸多不确定性因素。



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