首页> 中文期刊>情报杂志 >基于CPSS的反恐预警系统体系架构设计与思考




[目的/意义]2016年出台的《中华人民共和国反恐怖主义法》对建立我国反恐预警机制的问题仍未明确,为应对国内外严峻的反恐形势,提高我国反恐预警能力.[方法/过程]以CPSS(社会物理网络系统)哲学理念为依据,结合反恐任务实际,设计了一种基于CPSS的反恐预警系统体系架构,包括反恐数据库、反恐情报预警系统和关键基础设施反恐监测预警系统三个模块,各自主要对应社会空间、网络空间、物理空间反恐实际需求.[结果/结论]反恐数据库部署在云环境中,反恐情报预警系统和关键基础设施反恐监测预警系统以反恐数据库为核心和纽带,是两个相对独立又彼此关联、可相互印证的系统.反恐情报预警系统可进行战略、战役、战术级反恐预警,分为情报采集、情报分析评估、预警决策与响应三个子系统.关键基础设施监测预警系统主要进行战术预警,由危险人员、危险车辆、危险物品监测预警三个子系统构成.%[Purpose/Significance] "People's Republic of China Counter-terrorism Act" was formally implemented on January 1, 2016, but it is still not clear about the establishment of China's counter-terrorism early warning mechanism.In response to the severe counter-terrorism situation at home and abroad.[Method/Process]A counter-terrorism warning system architecture based on CPSS is designed based on the philosophy of CPSS.It includes three modules, namely, the counter-terrorism database, the counter-terrorism intelligence early warning system and the critical infrastructure counter-terrorism monitoring and early warning system, responding to the social space, cyberspace, and physical space counter-terrorism actual needs respectively.[Result/Conclusion]Counter-terrorism database as the core and link, counter-terrorism intelligence early warning system and critical infrastructure counter-terrorism monitoring and early warning system are two relatively independent and interrelated, and mutually confirmed systems.The counter-terrorism intelligence early-warning system can carry on the 3 levels of counter-terrorism early warning: strategy, campaign and tactics levels, which can be divided into 3 subsystems: intelligence gathering, intelligence analysis appraisal, early warning decision-making and response.The critical infrastructure monitoring and early warning system mainly carries out the tactical early warning function, composed of 3 subsystems: dangerous personnel, dangerous vehicles, and dangerous goods monitoring and warning.



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