首页> 中文期刊> 《湖北经济学院学报》 >邓小平“南方谈话”的历史意义




邓小平的南方谈话在中国社会主义发展史、现代化建设史、中共党史、中华人民共和国史、改革开放史上占有重要的历史地位,具有重大的历史意义。南方谈话改变了把计划经济、公有制视为社会主义本质的传统社会主义理论,对社会主义理论进行了重大创新,基本形成了中国特色社会主义理论。南方谈话是邓小平长期领导中国社会主义现代化建设的经验总结,为中共"十四大"的召开奠定了理论基础,成为建设中国特色社会主义现代化的理论纲领。南方谈话开启了中国改革开放的新时代,推动了第二波改革开放高潮的出现。南方谈话也是具有重大历史意义的一次思想解放,解开了市场经济姓"社"姓"资"的死扣,是中国建设社会主义市场经济的里程碑。南方谈话不仅殷殷期盼中华民族的伟大复兴,而且大大加速中华民族复兴的历史步伐。%Deng Xiaoping's Southern talk, in the history of socialism, in China's modernization, in the history of the Chi- nese Communist Party, in the history of the People's Republic, in the history of China's reform and opening up, is an impor- tant historical position of great historical significance. Deng Xiaoping's Southern Talk changed the traditional socialist theory and innovated the theol"y of socialism, and took shape the basic fi'amework of the theory of socialism with Chinese character- istics. Deng Xiaoping~s Southern talk is of great importance to the socialist experience, to the Chinese Communist Party l%ur- teenth National Congress, to China's socialist modernization program. Deng Xiaoping's Southern talk opens a new era in Chi- na, promoting the emergence of second wave of reform. Deng Xiaoping's Southern Talk is a great historical significance of e- mancipation. Unlock the "socialist" and "capitalism" tangle, the Chinese socialist market economy milestone. Deng Xiaoping's Southern talk, not only eagerly looks forward to rejuvenating the Chinese nation but also greatly accelerates the pace of reju- venating the Chinese nation.



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