首页> 中文期刊>衡水学院学报 >“神川遁士”之“神川”寻绎




“神川遁士”是金元时期文学家、史学家、教育思想家刘祁的号。关于刘祁为何以此为号,尤其是别号中“神川”所指何处,历来学术界看法不一。从刘祁所处时代的现实状况、故乡浑源独特的自然景观、厚重的人文影响等方面入手分析,可推断其心中的“神川”,确乃故乡浑源,立号“神川遁士”,既昭显其挚爱家乡之意,又标明其“归潜之志”。%Shen Chuan hermit is the assumed name of Liu Qi, a literati, historian and education thinker during Jin and Yuan Dynasties. There isn’t a unified point of view in academic circle on why he gives himself such an assumed name, especially the reference of Shen Chuan. According to the actual situation of his time, the unique natural landscape of his hometown-Hunyuan and the rich impact of its humanity, it can be deduced that Shen Chuan in his mind is indeed Hunyuan, and Shen Chuan hermit shows his deep love for his hometown and his thought of being a hermit.



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