首页> 中文期刊> 《河南农业科学》 >新型植物生长调节剂对烤烟幼苗生长的影响




In order to explore the effects of new plant growth regulators on the growth and quality of tobacco seedlings,naked tobacco seeds were soaked with different concentrations of the regulators,and then cultured in the seedling tray, and the regulators were sprayed twice on leaves during the seedling growth stage,with water as the control treatment( CK) . The results showed that the six new regulators had various effects on promoting growth and improving quality of tobacco seedlings with 500 times dilution and 1 000 times dilution. The sugar contents of cinnamamide amide ( 5%) and cinnamamide quaternary ammonium salt ( 5%) treatments with 500 times dilution were higher than that of CK about 3 . 9 , 4 . 0 percentage points. The content of free amino acid of naphthalen dicarboxamide(5%) treatment with 500 times dilution was higher than that of CK 48. 31%. At the same time, treatments of yamanashi amide (5%) and yamanashi quaternary ammonium salt ( 5%) with 500 and 1 000 times dilution, and cinnamamide amide ( 5%) with 500 times dilution could reduce the content of nitrate in tobacco seedlings. By comprehensive analysis, the compounds of naphthalene,cinnamon and yamanashi series all have a strong role in promoting growth and improving quality of the tobacco seedlings.%为明确新型植物生长调节剂对烤烟幼苗生长的作用,采用6种新型植物调节剂的500、1000稀释倍液对烤烟种子进行裸种浸种处理,在育苗盘中育苗,并于烤烟幼苗生长期叶施2次,同时以清水处理为对照( CK),研究了6种新型植物调节剂对烤烟幼苗生长及内在品质的影响。结果表明,所用新型植物生长剂500倍液和1000倍液使烤烟幼苗的农艺性状和内在品质均有不同程度的改善和提高。5%肉桂酰胺水剂和5%肉桂酰胺季铵盐的500倍稀释液处理叶片中可溶性糖含量较CK分别提高3.9、4.0个百分点,5%萘酐酰胺水剂的500倍液处理氨基酸含量高于 CK 48.31%,5%山梨酰胺水剂、5%山梨酰胺季铵盐2个稀释倍数处理和5%肉桂酰胺水剂的500倍液处理具有降低烤烟幼苗叶片中硝酸盐含量的作用。综合分析,萘酐系列、肉桂系列及山梨系列化合物的水剂对烤烟幼苗具有较强的促长提质作用。



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