首页> 中文期刊>河北工业大学学报 >基于AT89C51单片机的全数字触发器的设计




The present system of three-phase fully controlled bridge rectifier was widely used in industry, especially in the DC speed control system. Pulse rectifier system control trigger was the core of a trigger, it had been mostly dominated by analog circuits. This paper describes a microcomputer AT89C51 used for the control core of the digital pulse trigger,the hardware circuits and control program was simple, neat uniform output 6 pulses and high precision. This paper describes the hardware design and software flow chart of the all-digital trigger, and the experiment using an oscilloscope to the rectifier output voltage waveform, verifies the feasibility. Since the long nm, the capability of the trigger pulse saris performs well.%目前三相全控桥式整流系统在工业中应用非常广泛,尤其在直流调速中.脉冲触发器是整流系统的控制核心,一直以来触发器大多采用模拟电路为主.介绍一种采用单片机AT89C51为控制核心的全数字触发器,其硬件电路及控制程序简单,输出六脉冲均匀整齐,并且控制精度高.文中详细介绍了全数字触发器的硬件设计及软件流程图,并通过试验利用示波器观察到了整流输出电压的波形,验证了方案的可行性.长期运行以来,该脉冲触发器的性能令人满意.



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