首页> 中文期刊>河北中医药学报 >补肺壮精方对精子形态、精浆生化及精液参数的影响




目的:研究补肺壮精方对精子形态、精浆生化及精液参数的影响.方法:将120例男性不育患者随机分为2组,每组60例.方法:治疗组服用补肺壮精方(黄芪、桑白皮、天冬、麦冬、知母、桑叶、桑螵蛸、枳壳、菟丝子、制何首乌、沙苑子、茯苓)治疗,对照组服用五子衍宗方(菟丝子、覆盆子、枸杞子、车前子、五味子)治疗.2个月为1疗程.主要观察治疗前后精子活力、α-中性糖苷酶、精浆果糖及精子形态的变化.结果:治疗组总有效率为86.67%、显效15例、无效8例,对照组总有效率为68.33%、显效9例、无效19例,2组总有效率比较,差异有显著性(P <0.05);治疗后2组患者精浆果糖、糖苷酶及精子形态正常率较治疗前均有显著性升高(P <0.05),但各指标改善情况治疗组均优于对照组,差异有显著性(P <0.05);治疗后2组患者精液参数均高于治疗前(P <0.05),但各指标改善情况治疗组均优于对照组,差异有显著性(P <0.05).结论:补肺壮精方可以明显提高精子活力并改善精子形态.%Objective:To study the effect of B ufeiZ huangjing Fa ng on sperm morphology,seminal plasma biochemistry and se -men parameters.Methods:120male infertility patients were randomly divided into 2 groups,60 cases in each group.Methods: the treatment group took Bufei Zhuangjing Fang(huangqi,sangba ipi,ti antong,mai don g,zhi mu,sangye, sangp iaox ia o,z hi qiao, tusizi,zhi heshouwu,shayuanzi and fuling),and the control group was treated with Wuzi Yansong Fang(Five-Seed Progeny Reci-pe)(tusuzi,fupenzi,gouqizi,cheqianzi and wuweizi).2 months is a course.Sperm motility, alpha neutral glucosidase,seminal fructose and sperm morphology were observed before and after treatment.Results: the total effective rate of the treatment group was 86.67%with 15 cases effective and8 cases ineffective.The total effective rate of the control group was 68.33%with 9 cases effective and 19 cases ineffective.There was significant difference(P <0.05). The normal rate of the seminal fructose, glucosidase and sperm morphology in the 2 groups were significantly higher than before the treatment(P <0.05).But the treatment group was better than the control group with significant difference(P <0.05). The semen parameters of the 2groups were higher than those before the treatment(P <0.05), but the improvement of the indexes in the treatment group was superior to the control group, and the difference was significant(P <0.05).Conclusion:B uf ei ZhuangjingF ang can significantly promote sperm motility and improve sperm morphology.



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