首页> 中文期刊>河北旅游职业学院学报 >避暑山庄及周围寺庙对清代承德多元文化的影响




清代自入关以来,统治者通过策划移民垦荒、设立驿站、北巡和木兰秋狝、设立行宫等对热河地区逐步开发。特别是康熙时期避暑山庄在此肇建,产生了人口和经济上的聚集效应,为承德的发展带来了深远影响,成为在避暑山庄周围形成城市的直接原因和决定因素。乾隆时期,继续完善避暑山庄及肇建避暑山庄周围寺庙的,并将避暑和秋狝长期化和制度化,这一系列措施使得承德人口猛增、商业不断繁荣,逐渐拉开了与周围地区其他行宫及城镇的差距,城市规模扩大。包围着避暑山庄的承德成为地区行政建制的州府所在,文化教育事业也从无到有。这里不仅成为了集皇家文化、贵族文化以及市井文化等社会各阶层文化的集大成者,同时也是多种宗教相容相合的道场,是满族文化、蒙族习俗、汉族传统水乳交融的代表之一。%Since the Manchu army entered the Shanhaiguan Pass, the Qing rulers have gradually developed the Jehol region through planning immigration and cultivation, establishing courier stations, north inspection tour, autumn hunting at Mulan Paddock and setting up the palace. Especially in the reign of the Kangxi emperor, the Mountain Resort was built here, which had a profound impact on development of Chengde. In the reign of the Qianlong emperor, the Mountain Resort and its outlying temples were continuously improved and perfected. A long term and institutionalization of avoiding summer heat and autumn hunting have made Chengde population explosion, business prosperity, and city size enlarging. Chengde with the Mountain Resort, as a regional administrative prefecture, not only centralizes the culture from different social stratums including the royal culture, noble culture and civic culture, but also integrates the Manchu culture, the Mongolian customs and the Han nationality traditional culture.



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