首页> 中文期刊> 《地理学报:英文版》 >A preliminary study of the quantitative couplingbetween loess-paleosol sequences and summermon soon changes

A preliminary study of the quantitative couplingbetween loess-paleosol sequences and summermon soon changes



The Loess Plateau-Northeastern Tibetan Plateau in China is famous for its deep andcontmuous distributed loess, in which soils (developed from loess) vary gradually with differentbiological climates changing from subhumid to arid, which provide a natural proving ground forstUd}’ the coupling of loess-paleosol and climatic changes quantitatively. Thirty-two sections weresampled (collected) for measuring chemical element contents, clay content (and other items) and 60sections were collected for carbonate analysis to establish transfer functions between pedogenesisand climate. Finally, we estimated the paleoclAnate (P/T) in the region with transfer functions,It isrevealed that the variation of paleocldriate reflected by transfer functions accorded closely with theclimatic pattern resulted from recent work. Specifically, it was about 140 ha BP that summermonsoon reached Lanzhou or further, paleosol S1 (equaling to MIS 5 in deep sea records) developedstrongly in a large scale, even touching upon northeanstern Tibetan Plateau. And, the estimated P/Tinformation also indicated the cold and humid period during 50-30 ka BP, mean annual Precipitationwas about 400-500 nun in Angutan recorded by mega-interstadial paleosol Sm.


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