首页> 中文期刊> 《甘肃农业大学学报》 >‘永昌甘农’肉羊新品种群妊娠母羊外周血液雌二醇和孕酮变化规律的研究




In order to explore the changes of E2 and P4 concentration in peripheral blood of meat sheep‘Yongchang Gannong’new breeding population pregnant ewes,6 ewes were selected random from ewes groups,taken blood sample in the stage of ewe gestation period,and E2 and P4 concentration were deter-mined by CLIA and RIA method respectively.The results showed that the changes of E2 and P4 concentra-tion in peripheral blood of gestation ewe was similar with the estrous cycle before 20 d of pregnant period, E2 concentrations reached the highest at 0th days.From 20th to 40th days,the concentration pulse changed smoothly,and from 45th day began to rising,the emergence of a peak at 90th days (80.757 ± 42.503 ) pg/mL then decreased slowly.The concentration of P4 declined in the value of (0.627±0.081)ng/mL at 15 th days after the fist peak at 10th days.After 20th rising slowly,appeared two peak at 75th and 90th days (3.21 1±2.375)ng/mL and (5.472 ± 3.422)ng/mL.E2/P4 ratio changed in the pregnancy early varies greatly,numerical variation steady after 20th days,the difference was not significant (P>0.05).It is sug-gested that the changes of E2 and P4 concentration of new breeding ewes pregnancy can be used as ewes pregnancy diagnosis data.%随机选取6只妊娠母羊,采集妊娠期各阶段的血样,分别用化学发光免疫分析法和放射免疫法测定血样中 E2和P4的浓度变化,探讨‘永昌甘农’肉羊新品种群母羊在妊娠期外周血液中雌二醇(E2)和孕酮(P4)浓度变化规律.结果显示:母羊妊娠期20 d之前外周血液中 E2、P4的浓度变化同发情周期相似,E2的浓度在第0天最高,为(133.678±60.892)pg/mL,第20~40天呈脉冲式平稳变化,从第45天开始上升,并在第90天出现一个峰值(80.757±42.503)pg/mL,之后缓慢下降.P4的浓度变化则是在第10天的峰值之后,即第15天出现一个下降的值(0.627±0.081)ng/mL,之后缓慢回升,分别在第75天和第90天出现2个峰值(3.211±2.375)ng/mL和(5.472±3.422)ng/mL.E2/P4的比值变化在妊娠期前20 d差异较大,20 d之后的数值变化平稳,相互之间差异不显著(P>0.05).因此,妊娠期第20~40天的 E2、P4浓度变化平稳,明显不同于正常发情周期的变化规律,可以作为母羊早期妊娠诊断的数据依据.



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