首页> 中文期刊> 《福建医科大学学报》 >上中切牙种植修复后3种受载应力分布的有限元分析




目的:研究上中切牙种植修复后在3种载荷时的应力分布特点。方法运用软件 Proe构建种植体、基台、基台螺丝、左正中切牙冠、松质骨、皮质骨的三维有限元模型,并在ANSYS workbench中施以不同部位静态载荷,分析其应力分布。结果应力分布云图显示:切对切咬合时应力峰值位于基台螺丝,其余2种载荷应力峰值均位于牙冠。深覆牙合时牙冠上的应力峰值远大于正常咬牙合时牙冠上的应力峰值。3种载荷骨皮质应力均明显大于骨松质。皮质骨中应力又主要集中在种植体颈部周围。载荷点及颈缘是应力集中区。结论建立上中切牙种植修复的各部件模型,并分析在3种载荷时的应力分布,情况与临床相符,为今后前牙种植修复提供参考。%Objective To use a 3‐dimensional finite element method to analyze the stress distribu‐tion of the maxillary central incisor by three loads after dental implant prosthesis . Methods Proe soft‐ware was applied to establish a 3‐dimensional solid model including the dental implant ,the upper structure and the maxillary bone ,and then ANSYS workbench was adopted to simulate static loads on various parts of the dental implant so as to analyze the stress distribution . Results The simulation showed that the maximal stress of cutting for cutting bite laid in the abutment screw while that of other two loads were in the crown . The maximal stress value of von mises of deep overbite was much higher than that of normal occlusion . The stress acting on the cortical bone ,which was centralized on the implant neck ,far excee‐ded that on the cancellous bone . T he M PS (maximal principal stress) value mainly appeared in the region submitted to the load and the proximal margin . Conclusions This modeling method met the experimen‐tal requirements for model in the establishment of the dental implant and the upper structure . T he re‐sults were consistent with clinical practice .All these provide an accurate reference for future dental im‐plant prosthesis .



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