首页> 中文期刊> 《福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 >基于利益相关者视角的耕地保护生态补偿机制探析




After using the qualitative analysis method to analyze the relationship between the profit and loss of relevant stakeholders on cultivated land protection, it discusses the ecological compensation mechanism of cultivated land protection and the existing prob-lems in the practice of ecological compensation of cultivated land protection in China. It indicates that the ecological protection and compensation can accelerate farmland ecosystem function recovery through human intervention to achieve a virtuous circle of ecosys-tem, and further puts forward specific measures to build the ecological compensation mechanism of cultivated land, including confir-ming the scope and content on the ecological compensation of cultivated land, adjusting profit and loss distribution of related stake-holders, strengthening the public′s protection awareness of cultivated land, establishing a social sharing mechanism for cultivated land protection on ecological compensation, establishing a diversified ecological compensation mode of cultivated land protection, broadening the financing channels for ecological compensation of cultivated land protection, establishing loss assessment system of farmland ecological value and promoting the process of rule of law in the protection of cultivated land, etc.%运用定性分析法在分析耕地保护相关利益主体损益关系的基础上,探讨耕地保护生态补偿作用机理及我国耕地保护生态补偿实践中存在的问题。分析指出生态保护和补偿可以通过人工干预加速耕地生态系统功能的恢复,以达到生态系统的良性循环。并进一步提出了建立耕地保护生态补偿机制的具体措施:明确被征耕地生态补偿的范围和内容,调节好相关利益主体损益分配;强化公众的耕地保护意识,建立耕地保护生态补偿社会共担机制;建立多元化的耕地保护生态补偿方式,拓宽耕地保护生态补偿资金筹措渠道;建立耕地生态价值损失考核体系,推进耕地保护法治化进程等。



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