首页> 中文期刊> 《福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)》 >南方红壤区崩岗侵蚀治理综合效益评价




崩岗侵蚀是我国南方红壤区最剧烈的侵蚀类型之一,由于其爆发性强和侵蚀量大等特点,对当地土地资源、生态环境等已造成了严重危害。上个世纪八十年代起,各地政府和民众自发治理崩岗侵蚀,历经数十年形成了多种治理模式,但存在被治理崩岗数量有限,治理技术配置和治理策略无序等现状,缺乏针对崩岗侵蚀治理综合效益的评价体系。本文在回顾和分析国内外水土保持综合效益评价体系的基础上,针对南方红壤区崩岗侵蚀特征和现有治理利用模式现状,尝试提出崩岗侵蚀治理综合效益评价体系。通过汇总国内外水土保持综合效益评价指标文献采用频率,依托国家标准《水土保持综合治理效益计算方法( GB/15774-2008)》,分解崩岗侵蚀治理的调水保土、生态、经济和社会四重效益链,提出了依据主体效益、可量化、客观性构建崩岗侵蚀治理效益评价指标集,弱化主观性强的社会效益指标思路。在深入分析国内外综合评价方法的基础上,针对崩岗侵蚀治理多重效益指标体系的特征,建议采用以客观赋权的主成分聚类分析方法,体现崩岗侵蚀治理综合效益评价的客观性和全面性。通过针对崩岗侵蚀治理综合效益评估体系构建,以期为崩岗治理效益评估和崩岗治理技术体系集成提供依据,推动我国南方红壤区崩岗侵蚀治理,实现国家“十三五”水土保持治理目标,减轻该地区水土流失的危害。%Mound-collapse gully erosion, one of the most severe erosion types in the red soil zone, has caused serious damages on land resources and ecological environment. Since the 1980 s, local government and residents worked out various strategies on mound-collapse gully erosion control and prevention, however, very limited success was achieved due to insufficient technology integration and comprehensive benefit assessment. To establish a region-specific comprehensive benefit assessment system for mound-collapse gully erosion control in the red soil zone, this paper reviewed and analyzed the assessment systems of soil conservation measures across the world. Basing on frequencies of benefit indices used in the literature and national Methods of Benefit Calculation for Com-prehensive Control of Soil Erosion (GB/15774-2008), erosion control benefits were categorized into four aspects, i. e., soil conser-vation benefit, ecological benefit, economic benefit, and social benefit, and a matrix of quantifiable and objective benefit indices were proposed. Furthermore, principal component-cluster analysis was suggested to integrately evaluate multiple benefit indices for higher level of objectivity and comprehensiveness. To summarize, this article refined a comprehensive benefit assessment system for mound-collapse gully erosion of the red soil zone in Southern China, offering the theoretical foundation for soil erosion mitigation and control, playing an indispensable role in the 13th Five-Year National Plan.



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