首页> 中文期刊> 《福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)》 >基于生态服务功能和人类足迹的自然保护区分类




Based on quantitative analysis of natural ecological service functions and human footprint of nature reserves and current classification system of China,744 nature reserves were divided into 6 types. The results showed that nature reserves differed signifi-cantly among different regions, levels, types and scales in biodiversity conservation and human footprint (P<0.01), indicating the necessity of implementing different management methods among nature reserves. Nature reserve plays an important role in water conservation,windbreak and sand fixation,also regulates flood and conserves soil to certain extent. Human footprint tends to decrease from east to west in China.The level and scale of nature reserves are negatively related with human footprint.Nature reserves are divid-ed into 6 types,including 153 for biodiversity conservation,79 for ecological safety management,168 for species and habitat manage-ment,242 for natural landscape management, 24 for nature relics management and 78 for resource management. This investigation defined various types of management objectives and can provide guideline to improve the management of nature reserves in China.%在对我国自然保护区生态服务功能和人类足迹进行量化分析的基础上,结合现有分类体系,对744个自然保护区进行类型划分研究.结果显示:不同地区、级别、类型和规模的自然保护区在生物多样性保护重要性与人类足迹方面差异极显著(P<0.01),反映对自然保护区实行不同管理方式的必要性.自然保护区发挥较为重要的水源涵养和防风固沙的作用,同时也体现一定的洪水调蓄和土壤保持功能.人类足迹呈现东部沿海地区高、西部地区低的特点.自然保护区的级别和规模与人类足迹呈负相关关系(P<0.01).类型划分结果为:生物多样性保护类153个、生态安全管理类79个、物种和栖息地管理类168个、自然景观类242个、自然遗迹类24个、资源管理类自然保护区78个.该方法明确了各类型的管理目标,能为我国自然保护区有效管理提供科学参考.



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