首页> 中文期刊> 《中国中医急症》 >危重病非心源性心肌损伤的中医辨证要素及证候分布规律研究




Objective: To discuss the TCM syndrome elements and syndrome distribution rules of the critical illness of non-cardiac myocardial injury. Methods: A retrospective study was made which of the TCM syndrome elements and syndrome distribution with 56 patients. Results: The disease syndrome factor of TCM syndrome elements had a trend: the most one was qi deficiency ,then yang deficiency,phlegm,blood deficiency, excessive heat and yin deficiency. The lesion site had a trend:the first one was heart,then spleen,lung and kidney. The syndrome of intermingled deficiency and excess of syndrome distribution had a trend: Yang qi deficiency and the phlegm inside parked certificate was more than the syndrome of evil heat flaming. Yin blood deficiency was more than the syndrome of heart yang decline and hyperactivity flaming. The syndrome of deficiency had a trend: the most one was heart and spleen deficiency, then the heart yang decline and the syndrome of qi and yin deficiency. The syndrome of excess had a trend: the most one was the syndrome of thlegm obstructing the lung,then the syndrome of phlegm stopping inside. Conclusion: The basic disease syndrome factor of TCM syndrome elements are qi deficiency, yang deficiency,phlegm,blood deficiency,excessive heat and yin deficiency. The lesion sites are heart, spleen,lung and kidney. The syndrome distribution are yang deficiency and the phlegm inside parked certificate, heart and spleen deficiency, the heart yang decline, the syndrome of excessive heat and yin deficiency, the syndrome of thlegm obstructing the lung,etc..%目的 探讨危重病非心源性心肌损伤的中医辨证要素及证候分布规律.方法 对56例危重病非心源性心肌损伤患者中医辨证要素及证候分布进行回顾性研究.结果 中医辨证要素中病性证素分布呈气虚>阳虚>痰饮>血虚>热盛>阴虚的趋势;病位证素分布呈心>脾>肺>肾的趋势;病性分布呈虚实夹杂证>虚证>实证的趋势.证型分布虚实夹杂证呈阳气亏虚,痰饮内停证>邪热炽盛,阴血亏虚证>心阳衰微,肺热炽盛证的趋势;虚证呈心脾两虚证>心阳衰微证>气阴两虚证的趋势;实证呈痰热壅肺证>痰饮内停证.结论 危重病非心源性心肌损伤的基本中医病性要素是气虚、阳虚、痰饮、血虚、热盛、阴虚;病位证素是心、脾、肺、肾;证候分布为阳虚饮停证、心脾两虚证、心阳衰微证、热盛阴虚证、痰热壅肺证等.



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