首页> 中文期刊> 《电子与信息学报》 >多通道SAR-GMTI通道盲均衡算法




Channel blind equalization algorithm based on Eigen-Decomposition (ED) of data covariance matrix can be applied to calibrate the channel mismatch for multi-channel SAR/GMTI system. However, this algorithm has a disadvantage that it suffers from a slow convergence rate. In this paper, the principle of channel blind equalization algorithm is firstly investigated. Then, to improve its convergence rate, reduced-dimension technique is used into this algorithm and a new channel blind equalization algorithm is proposed. Experimental results on simulation data and measured SAR data demonstrate that compared with the conventional channel blind equalization algorithm, the proposed algorithm shows a fast convergence rate and is able to calibrate channel mismatch with much less sample support.%基于回波数据相关矩阵特征分解的通道盲均衡算法可有效校正多通道SAR系统中由各种非理想因素引起的通道幅度相位误差,但该算法主要的缺点是收敛速度慢.该文首先分析了基于回波数据相关矩阵特征分解的通道盲均衡算法的基本工作原理;在此基础上,针对算法收敛性差的缺点,结合降维处理技术,提出一种快速收敛的通道盲均衡算法.仿真及实测数据实验结果表明:与常规的基于回波数据相关矩阵特征分解的通道盲均衡算法相比,该文所提算法收敛所需的样本数目显著减少,即可在小训练样本条件下实现对通道幅度相位误差的均衡.



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