首页> 中文期刊> 《电子与信息学报》 >基于新型随机度分布的压缩喷泉码




A Binary Exponential Random Degree Distribution (BERDD) is proposed, the generated fountain codes using BERDD function improve the probability of generating degree "1" in encoding, decreases the probability of degree "1" chasm in decoding, so the decoding complexity is lowed and iteration efficiency is improved. Further, in order to solve the problem of wide transmission bandwidth, a new transmission scheme of compressing fountain coding is proposed based on codebook. It increases bandwidth utilization. Simulation results show that the proposed BERDD function improves decoding efficiency compared with robust soliton degree distribution and binary exponentiai degree distribution, and the compressing fountain codes reduce transmitting bandwidth effectively in the condition of Rayleigh fading channel.%该文提出二进制指数随机度分布(Binary Exponential Random Degree Distribution,BERDD)函数,用BERDD函数生成度时提高了度1生成的概率,同时降低度1断层出现的概率,提高了迭代效率.进一步,为解决喷泉码需要传输带宽大的问题,提出基于码本压缩的传输方式.仿真表明BERDD分布较二进制指数度分布及稳健孤子度分布更能有效提高译码效率,在瑞利衰落信道条件下,基于码本压缩喷泉码传输方法能有效降低编码占用信道带宽.



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