首页> 中文期刊>电子与信息学报 >全盲频谱感知:噪声估计与能量检测联合迭代算法




在目前能量检测的算法中,通常假设噪声水平是一个已知量,然而在实际应用中,环境噪声通常都是需要实际测量才能得到的。该文针对无法利用已知空闲频谱测量噪声功率的信号检测情况,提出了一种基于迭代的宽带频谱能量检测算法,能够针对先验信息全盲的宽带抽样信号进行有效检测。文中针对迭代算法进行了收敛性分析,当迭代初值选取合理时,算法可以稳定收敛。仿真结果表明,观测时长为20以上时,迭代算法就能有十分良好的性能。%In current energy detection algorithms, the environmental noise level is often assumed as prior information. However, it is a parameter which needs to be measured in practical application. In the situation of using the known free spectrum to measure noise power is impracticably, this paper proposes a novel broadband spectrum energy detection algorithm based on iteration which can make effective detection to the broadband sampling signal which prior information is total blind. This paper also demonstrates that when the initial value of the iterative algorithm is reasonable, the algorithm can get stable convergence. The simulation results show that the algorithm can obtain a very good performance if the length of time observation is more than 20.



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