首页> 中文期刊> 《针灸临床杂志》 >蜂针疗法用蜂量的探讨




本研究探讨了蜂针疗法用量,认为:蜂针量遵循一般规律的同时还应因人、因时、因病施治.新患者少量为佳,1~2只始,过敏期内维持1~3只为宜;久用蜂疗者可适当加量,一般维持在10只左右,严重病患者可酌情加大至30 ~ 50只.体虚、病轻、复针者宜少量蜂针治疗,体实、病重者可适当增加蜂量.病情轻浅者可以每周或隔周1次,1~3次可愈;急性病、严重病者需每日1次,或每日两次,持续2~3个疗程或更久;预防复发可1周~1月1次.小蜂量难以愈病,过量易导致严重后果,要严格把握好蜂针的用量,以期用最合适的量缓解患者的痛苦.%This article explores the bee dose of bee needle therapy. The dose of bee follows the general rule and should also be according to different people, time and illnesses. A new patient with a small dose is better. Bee Sting quantity generally starts from 1-2 bees and the allergy period maintains 1-3 bees. The dose of patients who have bee needle therapy for a long time may be appropriate to be increased, generally maintain at about 10 bees. Severe cases may increase to 30 to 50 bees. Physically weak,sick light,re — treatment should be a small a-mount of bee needle treatment. Physically strong, the serious sick patients may be appropriate to increase the bee amount. For patients with light disease one time a week or two weeks, they often recover after string 1-3 times. For patients with general acute or severe diseases, once a day, or twice a day, continuing for 2—3 courses or more of the treatment. For prevention of recurrence, consider once a month. Small bee dose cant treat the disease , excessive dose leads to serious consequences. Strictly control the amount of bees, in order to alleviate the suffering of patients with the most appropriate amount.



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