首页> 中文期刊> 《中国民航大学学报》 >基于辛几何构作一类新的带仲裁的认证码




Unconditionally secure authentication codes with arbitration protects against deceptions from the transmitter and from receives as well as those from the opponent. This paper describes a new construction of authentication codes with arbitration using symplectic geometry over finite fields, and their size parameters are computed.Assuming that the encoding rules one chosen according to a uniform probability distribution, the probabilities of a successful impersonation by the opponent, a successful substitution by the opponent, a successful impersonation by the transmitter, a successful impersonation by the receiver and a successful substitution by the receiver. This illustrates many authentication codes with arbitration can be constructed from symplectic geometry.%具有仲裁的认证码既要防止敌手的欺骗,又要防止收方和发方的互相欺骗.利用有限域上辛几何构造了一类具有仲裁的认证码,计算了其容量参数.假设编码规则是按照均匀概率分布选择,给出了敌手模仿攻击、敌手替换攻击、发方模仿攻击、收方模仿攻击和收方替换攻击的成功概率.研究结论表明可用辛几何构作许多带仲裁的认证码.



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