首页> 中文期刊>重庆三峡学院学报 >“历史唯物主义”国家观与“市民社会”国家观的比较--从马克思到葛兰西




国家问题是马克思和葛兰西理论研究的重要内容。其中,马克思从唯物史观的角度出发建立了“历史唯物主义”国家观;市民社会理论贯穿葛兰西国家观研究始终,故称其国家观为“市民社会”国家观。葛兰西“市民社会”国家观是对马克思的继承和发展,但二者又有所不同,区别在于国家的概念、国家的职能、国家的权力、国家的消亡等方面。葛兰西从市民社会的角度探讨国家问题,为全面认识和发展马克思的国家理论提供了重要借鉴和有益参考,但受其理论缺陷的限制,未能从根本上超越马克思的国家观。%Both Marx and Gramsci attach importance to the research of state theory. Marx’s view of state was established in Historical Materialism while Civil Society Theory was the main theoretic foundation of Gramsci’s view of state. Thus Gramsci’s view of state is different from Marx’s in terms of state’s concept, functions, authority and disappearance, though the former is the inheritance of the latter. Therefore, Gramsci’s view of state not only broadens our horizon, but also enriches the content of Marx’s state theory. Owing to the theoretical defect, Gramsci’s view of state fails to surpass Marx’s.



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