首页> 中文期刊>重庆三峡学院学报 >“五四精神”和“中国梦”的关系研究--以中国共产党党史为研究视角




民族复兴是近代中华民族不变的梦想,“五四运动”形成的民主、科学、进步和爱国的精神,是中华复兴进程中的精神支柱。从党史视角看,“中国梦”和“五四精神”是一种共生的关系。新民主主义革命理论以及在实践中形成的中国特色社会主义理论、道路和制度,都是中国共产党继承“五四精神”,并在历史实践中,领导并践行中华复兴“中国梦”的重大成果。未来中国能否坚持“五四精神”和实现中华复兴的“中国梦”,关键也在于中国能否坚持“三个自信”,不走改旗易帜的“邪路”和封闭僵化的“邪路”。%Chinese national rejuvenation is the constant dream and the spirit of democracy, science, progressiveness and patriot inthe May-fourth Movement is the spiritual pillar of realizing Chinese national rejuvenation. Viewed in the history of CPC,the China Dream andthe May-Fourth Movement are of the same origin. The New Democratic Revolution theory and the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the related paths and systems formulated in practice all are the important outcomes by the CPC’s inheritance of theMay-Fourth Movement spirit and the CPC’s leading and implementing theChina Dream in the historical practice. Whether the May-Fourth Movement can be maintained and China Dream can become a reality in China in future consists in the adherence of theThree Confidences and the lines ofnever abandoning the present flags andnever stepping on the road of closure and rigidness.



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