首页> 中文期刊>小型微型计算机系统 >基于多核网络处理器的高效流管理技术研究




流管理功能在多种网络设备中具有基础性作用.随着报文流规模的增加,大规模流管理系统中流表添加、查询和删除的效率往往迅速下降,成为影响系统整体性能的瓶颈.针对该问题,提出一种在多核网络处理器上实现的采用两级hash表和冲突链表机制的流管理方法,一级hash表模拟专用硬件存储器,二级hash表模拟软件存储结构,当一级流表出现冲突时采用二级流表处理冲突,当二级流表出现冲突时采用冲突链表处理冲突.并基于多核网络处理器进行了模型开发与实验.实验证明,该模型具有易于实现,执行效率高的优点.%Network flow management serves as a basic functionality in many network equipments. With the rapid development of the flow scale , the efficiency ,such as inserting,serching and deleting in the flow table decreases rapidly,which becomes the bottleneck of system performance. Aiming at this problem, this paper presents a flow management mechanism implemented with the two stage hash table and conflict list on multi-core network processor . The first hash table is considered as special hardware cash,while the second is considered as software structure. Using the second hash table and conflict list to solve the hash collision caused by the firet hash table and the second hash table. Experimental results show that this algorithm can be easily implemented and performed efficiently.



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