首页> 中文期刊>成都体育学院学报 >身体视域下近代音乐实践中体育话语的生成逻辑




近代音乐中的体育话语清晰呈现了从新身体至新国民进而新国家的逻辑思路,与之揭示音乐中体育话语所蕴含的力度。在现今国家提倡先进文化引领和鼓励文化创新的背景下,论证音乐中身体话语所具有的文化内涵,阐释音乐与体育的互动关系,以及其文化价值的传承与延续,既有助于增强其国家层面的说服力,更有助于处理音乐在体育和人生层面的现实处境。本文采用文献资料、逻辑思辨等研究方法,以近代身体话语为主线,重点考察音乐实践中体育话语的生成逻辑。研究认为:近代音乐实践中,创造新身体是体育话语生成的逻辑起点;塑造新国民则成为体育话语生成的应然逻辑;而构建新国家是体育话语生成的逻辑终点。%Sports discourse in modern music clearly shows its logic of evolvement from new body through new citizen to new nation, revealing its power in music. It is of great significance to explore, under the background of tak-ing advanced culture as the guide and encouraging cultural innovation, the cultural connotation of sports dis-course,the relationship between sports and music,and the continuation of its cultural value. This paper,based on literature review and logical analysis,focuses on the generation of sports discourse in music practice. It is found that creating new body is the logical starting point of sports discourse generation,shaping new citizen the logical outcome,and building new nation the logical end.



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