首页> 中文期刊>成都师范学院学报 >试从唐墓志看唐人地域观念




Chinese ancient geographical concept has already formed for a long time. The east and the west have been divided in the Pre-qin period,and the north and the south are divided after Qin and Han Dynasties. Medieval times is the period in which the north-south regional concept on the north and the south is changing and developing. Difference of the north-south regional concept and regional customs is reflected in literature and the epitaph. Through the study of the interpretation of epitaphs of Tang Dynasty and the research of literature about peopleˊs regional concept in Tang Dynas-ty,this paper aims to achieve the following goals:on the one hand,proving the literature related to peopleˊs regional con-cept in tang dynasty;on the other hand,arranging epitaphs of Tang Dynasty reflecting peopleˊs evaluation on north-south regions.%中国古代的地域观念早已形成,先秦时期分东西,秦汉以后则分南北。中古时期更是南北地域观念的变化和发展阶段。不仅在文献记载中,南北地域观念以及地区风俗差异在墓志中亦有所反映。通过对大量的唐代墓志进行释读后,对有关唐人地域观念的资料进行研究,一方面希望能够对文献中所记载的有关唐人地域观念的史料进行佐证;另一方面则是对唐人墓志中所反映的时人对南北方的地域评价进行一个总的梳理。



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