首页> 中文期刊> 《成都电子机械高等专科学校学报》 >基于 ArcGIS的 MapInfo 地图数据的服务发布研究与实现

基于 ArcGIS的 MapInfo 地图数据的服务发布研究与实现



Now, ArcGIS and MapInfo are two main existing GIS systems, MapInfo is more widely used, and the map data resources are more abundant, but ArcGIS is more powerful in data management and spatial analysis, thus has a very important significance for data conversion and sharing between the two platforms.It shares map data using web service publication by analyzing the data characteristics of ArcGIS and MapInfo.The paper discusses the relevant technology of data conversion between the two systems, and researches and compares the implement of traditional GIS system and the web service publication for users, so that any computers, smart phones, tablets and other devices with an Internet connection are able to use this map data through Internet.So it can save the cost of the GIS software and the corresponding map data.%ArcGIS和MapInfo是现有的两大主流GIS系统,为实现两大平台之间数据的转换和共享,通过分析两大系统各自数据特点,探讨两者数据转换的相关技术,研究和对比了传统的GIS系统实现方式和Web服务发布的方式,最终采用以Web服务发布的方式为用户共享地图数据,使任何具有Internet连接的电脑、智能手机、平板电脑等移动设备都能够使用该地图数据,节约了在所有终端都需要安装GIS软件和地图数据的成本。



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