首页> 中文期刊> 《成都电子机械高等专科学校学报》 >四川革命遗址保护、党史研究与红色旅游开发




Having analyzed the present situation of revolutionary former sites’protection and tourism development in Sichuan province, this paper discusses the reasons of monotonous product form, lack of connotation mining, low comprehensive benefits, as well as imbalance in regional development during the process of red tourism development, and then illustrates the importance and necessity of CPC history’s participating in red tourism development.Basing on above analysis, it is believed that CPC history research’s participating will not only ensure the correct direction of the red tourism development, but also provide the basis and material for the development of red tourism.In the end, the author provides several recommendations for the department of CPC-researching in future work.%通过分析四川革命遗址的保护和旅游开发现状,讨论了造成红色旅游开发过程中的产品形式单一、内涵挖掘不足、综合效益不高和地区发展不平衡等现状的原因,阐释了党史研究参与红色旅游开发的必要性和重要性,认为党史研究的参与不仅能保证红色旅游发展的正确方向,而且还能为红色旅游的开发提供依据与素材。对党史研究部门参与红色旅游的思路和方式提出了建议。



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