首页> 中文期刊> 《中南林业科技大学学报》 >一种能够批处理的林火行为空间模拟系统




A forest ifre behavior space simulation system with batch processing capacity was developed to overcome the shortcoming of existing ifre behavior modeling software that they can not conduct multiple simulations at one time. The system incorporates two most commonly used forest ifre behavior models (the Rothermel model and the Canadian Fire Behavior Prediction Model) and can use fuel data either from the American National Fire Danger Rating System or from the Canadian Fire Behavior Prediction System. The software allows users to conduct multiple simulations with different parameters, environmental variables set by users at one time and to optimally estimate fuel parameters under constraint defined by users. The system can improve simulation efficiency and provide probability distribution of modeled forest ifre behavior, which would be a useful tool for studying on ifre behavior and effects of ifres on ecosystem.%针对现有林火空间蔓延模拟软件输入参数后只能模拟一次,无法批处理多次模拟的不足,开发了具有批处理功能的林火行为空间模拟系统。该系统采用了国际上最常用的美国Rothermel模型和加拿大FBP蔓延模型,提供了美国系统和加拿大系统两种可燃物分类系统的处理能力,使用户可根据需要进行不同参数、不同环境变量条件下的多重模拟,还可进行自定义约束条件下的最优可燃物参数估计。这种多次模拟提高了相关研究的效率,为林火行为空间模拟结果提供了分布概率,使研究结果更可靠,为研究林火行为、林火对生态系统的影响提供了有力工具。



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