首页> 中文期刊> 《灾害学》 >陕西省神木县地质灾害群测群防体系现状与对策




Mass monitoring and preventing system of geological hazards occupies a pivotal position in the pre-vention and control work of geological hazard in Shenmu.The system in Shenmu is formed by county,town (of-fice),village and group.Surveillance and monitoring responsibilities both are villagers and village leader.But 56. 7% of geological hazard triggered caused by the highway department,mines and other enterprises in Shenmu,they do not really meet its monitoring responsibilities.Coupled with the large climatic differences in the territory of northern Shaanxi,disturbance of engineering activities throughout the year,geological hazard has changed from sea-sonal to year-round,with the detailed investigation of geological hazard in depth,hidden geological hazards in Shenmu,multiplied villagers monitoring workload,control pressure is growing in the land department.Give full play to the responsibilities of departments at the county level,effective implementation of surveillance and monito-ring responsibility is the base of improve and establish an effective of pooling all the brains and brawn for monitor and prevention of geological hazard.To this end,on the base of 1:50,000 detailed investigations,breaks 224 ge-ological hazard points down to departments at the county level,under the supervision and guidance of land depart-ments,together to combat the occurrence of geological hazards in Shenmu.This article has certain significance a-bout the construction of the system of pooling all the brains and brawn for monitor and prevention of geological haz-ard in Shaanxi province.%群测群防体系建设工作在神木县地质灾害防治工作中占有举足轻重的位置。神木县现阶段实行县、镇(办事处)、村、组四级群测群防体系,监测人和监测责任人均为村民和村组长。而神木县56.7%的地质灾害隐患点由公路部门、矿山企业等企事业单位引发,引发地质灾害的责任人并未真正承担其相应的监测责任。加之陕北境内气候差异较大,贯穿全年的人类工程活动持续扰动,县境内地质灾害已经由季节性演变成常年性灾害,随着地质灾害详细调查的深入进行,神木县地质灾害隐患点成倍增长,村民监测任务繁重,国土部门的防治压力持续增大。充分发挥县级各部门职责,有效地落实监测人和监测责任人,是完善和建立一套行之有效的地质灾害群测群防体系的基石。为此,在1:5万详细调查的基础上将224处群测群防点“化整为零”分解在县级各部门中,在国土部门的监督、指导下联合起来群测群防,共同抵御神木县境内地质灾害的发生。



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