首页> 中文期刊> 《首都经济贸易大学学报》 >论对外投资的历史发展




对外投资既是社会生产力(特别是国际分工)发展的产物,又是特定的社会经济制度在对外经济关系方面的延伸,是二者相结合的经济范畴。因而,它仍然是一个不断变化的长过程,经历了四个时期;而且在同一个时期存在几种投资主体的条件下,还会相应地存在几种不同性质的对外投资,其作用也有差别。当代存在的三种对外投资的性质和作用都有差别,需要区别对待。当前中国学界相当流行的一种错误倾向,是脱离特定的生产关系,孤立地从资源配置角度研究对外投资问题和其它经济问题。这实际上是在运用西方经济学时,也继承了西方经济学在这方面的痼疾。%Foreign investment is not only the result of the development of social productivity ( especially of in-ternational division of labor ) ,but also the extension of some specific social economic system in economic relations , thus it is a combination.Foreign investment is a constantly changing long process ,which has four periods.In each period there are several investment subjects , and therefore there are corresponding foreign investments of different natures,which also differ in effects.The contemporary three types of foreign investment differ in natures and effects , and need to be treated differently .There exists a very popular but wrong trend in the current domestic academia ,that foreign investment and other economic issues are merely studied from the point of resource allocation , without the consideration of specific productive relation .Such trend is actually the absorption of the bad of the western econom-ics.



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