首页> 中文期刊> 《生物医学工程研究》 >热场对于OA兔沙疗过程中骨质骨量影响的研究




通过沙疗过程中骨质层变化情况以及有限元仿真的结果,来研究温度对于骨重建的影响.在前人实验的基础上,对于通过CT扫描获得的数据导入到mimics软件中进行模型的建立,整个扫描过程分为四个阶段:建立OA兔模型前、建OA兔模型后、进行沙疗治疗一周后和进行沙疗治疗两周后.把建立好的模型导入3-matic里面进行网格划分,然后把模型导入comsol软件进行传热数值模拟.通过CT扫描数据和传热数值模拟的结果对比发现,骨组织内部产生的热应力随温度升高,而逐渐增大,当温度达到42℃时应力出现最大值,随后随着温度的升高,应力值逐渐减小.温度较高区域,软质骨呈减少趋势,而密质骨和硬质骨的体积增加.沙疗过程中热量传递对于骨重建起到了促进的作用,42℃时的骨重建调节作用最为明显.%To study the effects of temperature on bone remodeling by the results of the whole and local changes of bone layer and the finite element simulation .On the basis of previous experiments , the data was imported into Mimics software to build the model through the CT scan .The whole process was divided into four stages:The establishment of OA rabbit model before and after the estab-lishment of OA rabbit model , sand therapy for a week and after treatment for two weeks .The good model established was imported into the 3-matic inside and was mesh generation , and then the model was imported into the COMSOL software to simulate the heat trans-fer.By the CT scan data and comparison of the results of numerical simulation of heat transfer , it was found that bone tissue of internal thermal stress increased with temperature rose , when the temperature reached at 42℃,maximum stress appeared;then decreased with the increase of temperature stress values .In higher temperature region , soft bone showed a trend of decrease , and compact bone and hard bone volume increased .Sand treatment in the process of heat transfer for bone reconstruction plays a promoting role .The adjust-ment effect and reconstruction of bone is most obvious at 42℃.



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