首页> 中文期刊> 《包头医学院学报》 >脑梗死患者早期综合护理体会




目的:探讨早期综合护理对脑梗死偏瘫患者生活质量的影响。方法:对45例脑梗死患者入院48 h后病情稳定即接受良肢位摆放、肢体训练、起床步行训练、日常生活训练、康复护理、心理护理等综合训练。结果:本组45例脑梗死患者经过早期肢体功能训练和综合护理,痊愈12例、显效19例、有效9例、进步5例。结论:在脑梗死患者生命体征稳定后,及时正确科学地运用综合护理方法,对恢复肢体功能、提高生活质量有重要意义。%ObjectiVe:To discuss the effects of the early comprehensiVe nursing on the life quality of the paraplegia patients with cerebral infarction. Methods:forty-fiVe patients of cerebral infarction were giVen such comprehensiVe training drills 48 hours after admission as posing good limbs,limbs training,getting up,walking,daily life training,rehabilitation nursing and psychological nursing etc. ResuIts:In this group of 45 patients suffering from cerebral infarction who got early limb function training and comprehensiVe treatment/care,12 cases were healed,19 cases showed an effect,9 cases were effectiVe,and 5 cases showed progress. ConcIusion:After Vital signs of cerebral infarction patients are stable,timely application of accurate and scien-tific methods of comprehensiVe nursing is significant to improVe the life quality and limb function of patients.



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