首页> 中文期刊> 《保山学院学报》 >保山境内的缅甸人现状、影响及其对策研究




According to statistics, there are more than 9000 Burmese in Baoshan at present, and they can be roughly divided into three categories: those who married to Baoshan, those who do business or work in Baoshan, and those who migrated back to Baoshan from Myanmar. The main reasons for Burmese coming to Baoshan include similar culture across border, political unrest, civil wars, economic and social underdevelopment, as well as close geographic location between Myanmar and Baoshan. Massive population migration has brought about great influence to social stability of the local community and posed a huge pressure to border management. We should strengthen the administration of Burmese in Baoshan to reduce criminal cases. At the same time, we should formulate relevant laws and regulations to protect the lawful interest of those people, promote people to people cultural exchanges so as to demonstrate China’s good neighborliness foreign policy.%据统计,目前保山境内约生活着9000多缅籍人员,他们大致可分为三类:一类是嫁入保山的缅籍涉外婚姻人员,第二类是到保山经商的商人和打工的务工人员,第三类是回迁人员。跨国民族的同根文化、缅甸持续的政治动荡、战事频发、经济社会发展滞后,以及良好的地缘区位优势等是促使缅籍人员进入保山的主要动因。大规模的人口迁徙,影响了社会秩序与稳定,给边境管理带来沉重压力。我们一方面要加强对保山境内缅籍人员司法管理的力度,尽量减少违法犯罪案件的发生;另一方面要出台相关法律法规,保护其切身利益,并加强文化交流,做到国之交在于民相亲,以彰显我国睦邻友好的外交战略。



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