首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽电子信息职业技术学院学报》 >新型光电比色计的研制及应用




光电比色计是一种广泛应用于食品安全检测和生化医药检验的基础仪器。由于近年来食品安全问题引起全民和政府的高度关注,有关部门加大了对食品的监督、监测、管理的力度,迫切需要新的检测仪器和检测技术来增加食品监督、检测执法的公信力。本文提出了一种基于光谱分析技术与线阵CCD器件结合运用的新型光电比色计的研制方案,并在研制后的仪器上给出了相关测定结果。%Photoelectric colorimeter is a typical detection instrumen t which is widely used for food safety testing and biochemical test. Since the food safety problem has caused the attention of all the folks and the government in recent years, the relevant departments have then made greater efforts on food supervision, testing and management, and indeed there is an urgent need to renew the detection equipment and detection technology to increase the credibility of food supervision and inspection of law enforcement. This paper proposes a design of a new type of photoelectric colorimeter based on spectral analysis technique and linear array CCD device, and the related measurement results are also given in the apparatus.



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