首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >六盘山伏毛铁棒锤花器特性和开花结果习性研究




[Objective ] The research aimed to survey and study characteristics of flower organs and flowering and flowering and fruiting habits of wild A. Flavum Hand. -Mazz. In Liupanshan Area. [ Method ] The surveying items were the characteristics of flower organs, anthotaxy, flow ering, bearing of the wild A. Flavum Hand. -Mazz.. [ Result] The results indicate that A. Flavum Hand. -Mazz. Is general boundless inflores cence. The flowerlet can open whether in day and night or cloudy and rainy . The florescence of it is usually 5-18 days arid flowerlet is usual ly 5 -7 days. The wild A. Flavum Hand. -Mazz. Is geitonogaray ,but it being xenogamy once in a while. Its fruited rate is very high, but the natural reproduction rate is very low. [Conclusion] The study provides a theory basis for domestication and cultivation of A. Flavum Hand. Mazz.%[目的]调查研究六盘山地区野生佚毛铁棒锤(Aconitum flavum Hand.- Mazz.)的花器特性和开花结果习性.[方法]调查项目包括野生伏毛铁棒锤的花器形态以及抽序、开花、结果习性.[结果]伏毛铁棒锤为顶生总状无限花序,白天、黑夜、阴雨天小花均可开放,序花期5~18 d,朵花期5~7d;雌雄同株受粉,存在异花受粉情况,座果率较高(86.4%),但自然繁殖率很低.[结论]该研究可为伏毛铁棒锤的人工驯化栽培提供理论依据.



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