首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >甘孜州农村社会稳定因素研究




2010年在对四川省甘孜州康定县、道孚县、炉霍县、乡城县等地进行抽样调查的基础上,采用定量与定性研究相结合的方法,就甘孜州地区的社会、政治、经济、价值观念方面的各类指数进行研究,分析影响甘孜州农村社会稳定的因素.结果表明,甘孜州农村地区整体上较为稳定,但经济发展总体水平落后;社会保障措施不完备;农村居民纠纷依然存在,且多是经济纠纷,民族间的纠纷多是由宗教信仰造成的;部分地区农村居民自治情况不佳;农村居民对社会公正的评价较低.需要建立健全相关预防控制机制全国监督,维护甘孜州农村的社会稳定和平稳发展.%Through the sample investigation of Kangding County, Daofu County, Luhuo County and Xiangcheng County in Sichuan Province in 2010 and by combining the quantitative and qualitative methods, various kinds of indexes from the aspects of society, politics, economy and values in Ganzi Zhou are analyzed, as well as the factors that affect the rural social stability of current Ganzi Zhou area. The results show that rural areas of Ganzi Zhou are stable on the whole, but the economic development level is backward; the social security measures are imperfect; disputes among rural residents still exist and most of them are economic disputes; the disputes among ethnics are mainly caused by religious belief; the autonomous situation of partial rural residents are bad and rural residents'evaluation on social justice is low. Therefore, it should establish and perfect relevant prevention and control mechanism.



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